It is possible to use more storage space than allowed in your package. If this is the case, you will receive an email with a warning about breaching your storage use.
Delete old emails
Email attachments use a lot of storage space. By removing old emails you no longer need, you can save a lot of space.
Note: emails in your trash can still use storage space. Make sure to completely remove emails.
Delete unnecessary hosting files
It is possible you have more files stored than you are using. For example, think of WordPress themes that are not in use, or old images that are no longer visible on your website. Deleting these files can save a lot of space.
Update your hosting package
You can also simple buy more storage space. To do so, log into Contraccount and click the name of your package, written in blue. You will then receive payment instructions, and more information about the costs of upgrading. Or just send us an email.